Friday, June 20, 2008

Library 2.0 Cookbook

Perflexing is right. Intriguing maybe. The best slide was # 67. 'The library is a human organization.' We've been told from upper management that we don't use the word
"no." Keeping signage positive is something we have been trying to do for awhile now. We've started reviewing our policies and procedures, especially now with our new circulation system.
I've got a great team at my location and I use their expertise all the time. The county as a whole has some great team members as well.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Abram launches Library 23 Things

His enthusiasm for becoming addicted to learning was great. Committing the time is something I need to deal with. What was all that noise in the background. Remember to reflect on what you learn. I should learn a lot about new technology. I just hope I'm not too old to learn and remember. I find myself asking for a refresher from my younger co-workers. Let's see how we can preserve the culture of the library. What changes need to be made? Here's to learning a number of new and exciting possibilities.